Visions of Greyhawk Issue 2 – now out!

Visions of Greyhawk Issue 2 is now available at the CanonFire web site here:

This is the second issue I have had an article featured in, literally from stuff I had lying around. Editor Ewan “Norker” Cummins did an interview with the Greycast podcast earlier in the year, and suggested submitting already written stuff.

I had already submitted “The Knights of Eventide” article I had written a year earlier and posted on this blog. What was published was just slightly polished up from that.

After hearing Ewan’s call to pens (not arms) I thought about what else I had lying about. “OblivionSeeker” on the Discords had been trying to put together a Greyhawk Encounters compilation some time ago which had stalled, and I had written a short module for. The BBEG (Big Bad Evil Guy/Gal) in that was a priest of Incabulos, assisted by a paladin of the same.

I had had to create stat blocks for them in 5e, and so it occurred to me these might be of use to Greyhawk DMs to use as opponents.

So I submitted these to Visions and they made it into Issue 2 – with added awesome art.

But the point is if you have an idea or an article or proto-article lying around then don’t be afraid to send it to Visions to see if they can use it (degree of required polishing may vary). Details for contacting them on the web site and in the issues.

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