The Hateful Wars

Thomas Kelly released his fan Greyhawk novel back in January, and I just sat down (in COVID enforced isolation) and read it (in epub format). I really enjoyed it. It was a little rough in a few segues and probably needed a professional edit but I’ve paid for published books worse than this.As a GreyhawkContinue reading “The Hateful Wars”

Working on/in the Domain of the Despotic Giant King

It was great for the Domain of the Despotic Giant King Gazzetteer to finally drop just before Christmas. It had been a project underway since earlier in 2023, and I’m pretty proud of how it turned out in a great team effort. I only had a brief chance to talk about it and the earlierContinue reading “Working on/in the Domain of the Despotic Giant King”

Visions of Greyhawk Issue 2 – now out!

Visions of Greyhawk Issue 2 is now available at the CanonFire web site here: This is the second issue I have had an article featured in, literally from stuff I had lying around. Editor Ewan “Norker” Cummins did an interview with the Greycast podcast earlier in the year, and suggested submitting already written stuff.Continue reading “Visions of Greyhawk Issue 2 – now out!”

Writing the Players’ Guide to Nyrond

The Players’ Guide to Nyrond took me over 2 years to write. How do I know? Well the original Word document it started in was created 12 April 2021. But it started even further back than that. Probably a year earlier. As usually with these things, one starts down a rabbit hole that takes youContinue reading “Writing the Players’ Guide to Nyrond”

Creating Alvyn “Purplesocks” Bannockburn

Oerth Journal 36 was published recently (just in time for GaryCon XIV in Lake Geneva) and I was tickled purple to get another article published after Paluserus in the previous issue. First a monster then an NPC … although some would say a dragon is an NPC. Just one more likely to eat you. CheckContinue reading “Creating Alvyn “Purplesocks” Bannockburn”

Creating Paluserus for Oerth Journal 35

The just released Oerth Journal 35 is more exciting than the last few (at least for me), because I have an article in it. After decades out of the game of DnD, and wandering back into it via the Great Library of Greyhawk wiki, Greyhawk Online and Canonfire, then their Discord channels, I somehow foundContinue reading “Creating Paluserus for Oerth Journal 35”

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